Finding Work and Keeping Sabbath


As mentioned previously, I’ve been out of work for a while but I’m still working from home with my small resale business, and applying for jobs that I believe I would be good at.  However, the one thing that I think that has been keeping employers from considering me is that I keep the Sabbath.  A majority of employers, it seems, want you to be available to work all seven days of the week.  Honestly, I don’t mind working Sunday through Friday, but Friday sundown until Saturday sundown I’m commanded to rest, and I can, want, and will obey the Most High.  Do I do it perfectly?  No, because I’m still on a journey in learning The Way and freeing my mind from the slavery of sin.  It’s often the case that human beings want me to do THEIR will instead of HIS will, but that’s where they will be sorely disappointed because I don’t plan on compromising anymore (that includes those closest to me who can see my faults in trying to walk this narrow path).

Will I ever get hired by an employer who respects my obedience to the Most High?  I certainly hope so!  If not, perhaps that means my Father in heaven has other plans for me.  He continues to bless me with having a roof over my head, and clean food to eat.  I have not wanted for a thing since I’ve been out of work.  When I needed money, He provided either by some unusual means, or from the selling of one of my items online.  Praise be to the Most High, my Provider!!!

This has been a strange time in my life, and I’m curious as to what will happen next?  Until then, I will do my best to keep His commandments, and walk in His ways.  Blessings to you all!  Until next time my friends, the Son says, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Will you?

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I'm originally from Louisiana, but married a local girl in NE. and that's where I am at the moment. I have a A.S. in Avionics Systems Technology, B.S. in Business Information Systems, and am currently learning code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, and BOOTSTRAP). My interests are primarily Theology, computers, music, video games, drone piloting (flying drones), and most recently coding. With the personality type of INFJ, I delight in discussions about the important things in life... the deeper things. Join me on this journey, and ponder with me about this reality that we live in.