It’s 2019!

It’s a new year and what am I doing?  Absolutely nothing!!!  Well, I am taking some Udemy courses and trying to think of a way to earn income without totally stressing myself out, but it’s going slowly but surely.  I’ve currently been out of work for almost two years, mostly existing on money that I (wisely) saved up before being “terminated” from my last full time job at a corporation that I had worked for almost 18 years.  I’d also received unemployment for approximately 6 months (extended to 9 due to attending school via a grant, which fell through…. sadly).  This has led me to some conclusions about my own life, and probably what most of us already know (or don’t) about how we should be living our lives.

When I was younger, I thought life was all about making money in order to buy a bunch of cool stuff to make yourself look good to the world, and that would make or give you the image of being “successful”.  Big house, nice car, cool gadgets, and a pretty wife all earned with money from becoming a successful musician.  That “dream” was never attempted because I was instructed to pursue “reality” via college and a successful career.  I didn’t know of any other alternatives.  I was never taught about taking the money I earned from working at the local rec-center, theater, and McDonald’s and investing it in stocks, real-estate, or even my own business.  In my 30 years of being in the work force, I had no idea that when you physically work for your money in this current economy, you get taxed more, which is why Warren Buffet stated that he pays less in taxes than his secretary does!  What I was taught is that you must get your education in the form of a college degree, “because nobody can take that away from you”.  While that may be true, they can however take a job away from you, or just not even hire you regardless of how much “education” you have.  You must know people in order to get most jobs, which is known as “networking”.  They will most likely not hire you if they do not know you personally.  In other words, if you haven’t been running in their circles, then you are an outsider and you will really have to impress them with not only your work history, but your overall persona during a job interview.  If you’re not perceived as someone who is great to work with, then most likely you will not get the job!  I’m only speaking from my experience.  I imagine this is also the case when you get a new manager who know’s little about you personally, but ensure’s you’re the first to be let go, while those they are more familiar with keep their jobs.  Is it possible?  God forbid!

These two books:  “Evangelpreneur” by Josh Tolley, and “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki (in progress), have opened my eyes to the fact that a vast majority of us have been groomed and trained to be employees, and not how to survive and work for ourselves.  I’m not sure about your high school, but I don’t ever remember any of my teachers mentioning “working for yourself” as an occupation.  I’m not blame-shifting entirely, just pointing out the foundations we are taught for obtaining the prescribed “success” in life.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting a degree if you can afford it out of pocket, and it is a conduit to obtaining wealth that you will use for good.  I myself have earned two degrees, and it’s quite possible that they will eventually do the same for me for whatever decision I make going forward, God willing.

But what is success really?  Is it becoming a CEO of a corporation that makes tons of money?  Is it landing that awesome job that you actually went to school for?  Is it a subjective construct for each individual person?  I’d say for the last question for most, the answer would be “Yes”, given the postmodern mindset (which I personally do not subscribe to).  I’m a believer in the Bible (it doesn’t mean I live by it, although I wish I would), and I objectively know how we should live our lives, but I don’t really know how to go about doing it.  That currently is my ultimate goal… To learn how to live the remainder of my life, with the God of the Bible being it’s purpose.  I’ve squandered so many of the blessings I’ve been given to only finally come to the understanding that for God to know me, is the ultimate definition of success I should be striving for in this life and eternity.  The scriptures say that if you put God first, all of the other things will follow.  I never did that, and I know the best time to start is now, but how?  Mission number one should be to stop being lazy and stop procrastinating.  I can blame my being depressed (yes, even in a first world country people become depressed because we don’t know what it’s like to not live with clean running water, an abundance of food, and a government that will help you financially if you hit really hard times), or I can man up and get back on the meat wagon.  I’ve been on the meat wagon before, and I can do it again…. maybe, I think.  Perhaps I should just give up and end it all, but that would be extremely selfish, not to mention ungrateful to the God that knit me together in my mother’s womb.  If I can only figure out what it is that I’m supposed to be doing in combination to what I ought to be doing, then I’d be on the right track.  For now, I’m just going to be reading the Bible, and looking for a job until I know what it is.

Take care, and God bless!!  Talk to you again, soon!!

Matthew 6:33,  How do we do it?